Why does everyone assume that honey should always be thick? Some assume that only thick honey is good. We always compare raw honey with the Processed commercial honey which has the same color, texture, taste every time we purchase.
Raw Honey is uncooked, unheated, unprocessed, and unfiltered which contains all enzymes, vitamins etc, that comes straight from the honey comb. Raw honey is not always thick like the processed honey. "Raw" does not equate with "thickness " for honey. The texture, color, viscosity, taste of raw honey depends upon various factors. So each time you buy raw honey even from the same seller their is a great chance that the taste, viscosity, color, etc. varies.
In its pure form, raw honey contains all the enzymes, antioxidants and minerals. In Processed honey, almost all its enzymes, antioxidants and minerals are destroyed on being treated with heat and more often, replaced with synthetic material to undertake mass production and give it a shelf life. Many of the beautiful, golden bottles sitting on supermarket shelves contain commercial honey that has been pasteurized (heated at about 70 degree Celsius followed by rapid cooling). This makes it easy to filter, handle and package and gives the liquid a cleaner and smoother finish but a lot of it natural goodness is lost in the process. Honey is made up of more than 70% sugars, less than 20% water and trace minerals. So when Honey travels from the farms to the middlemen to one factory for processing and then another factory for packaging and by the time it reaches the stores all that is left are glucose and fructose plus added preservatives and stabilizers. When looks, taste, thickness etc stay same each time in commercial honey, it is far from what raw, natural honey would be.
The raw honey that Wayanaden sources from the forest is filtered manually and no machinery or heat is used at any step. This is why you may find the color or texture slightly differs every time you buy, because honey is obtained through a natural process. Our Raw honey doesn’t have any artificial flavors or synthetic sugar.
So, viscosity is not a better way to judge whether your honey is raw or has been pasteurized or even whether it’s adulterated. Only if you get to see the lab test result you can make sure about its purity and no other home based test is scientific. It’s a Myth that you can judge its purity according to its viscosity.
The viscosity of honey depends upon various factors like nectar source, weather, humidity, rainfall, soil, landscape, region, the flowers and the bees forage(nectar viscosity varies depending on flower types). Especially in Kerala, which has a high moisture content and humidity, wild honey is typically runny honey. Some floral varietals of honey from certain places are naturally less viscous than others.
Hence, runny honey is not always a sign of adulteration or production from sugar-fed bees, thus viscosity should not be taken as a deciding factor of honey purity or quality. Prescribed tests for viscosity in the lab is the only scientifically reliable way to test.