Organic Curcumin Turmeric & Raw Honey mix Benefits | WWW.WAYANADEN.COM

Organic Curcumin Turmeric & Raw Honey Immune Booster Mix Benefits

Turmeric is an incredibly healthy spice that is used in recipes around the world. Known for its distinct taste, organic turmeric with curcumin provides numerous health benefits for individuals when consumed daily.
When mixed with raw honey, this paste helps boost immunity while promoting our overall health through their combined effects. In fact, when mixed together, it may actually increase honey’s bioavailability. Generally, when combining these two ingredients, try to use only organic turmeric and raw wild honey.
Studies also indicate that curcumin, due to its strong antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties, effectively treats all types of cancer.
Moreover, turmeric mixed with raw honey provides, even more health benefits. This combination helps digestion, fights bacteria and viruses, and increases the number of good bacteria in the intestines.
Some of the amazing health benefits of consuming raw Wild honey with organic turmeric:
1. Raw honey and organic turmeric provides a wide range of important vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Organic Turmeric with curcumin is a great source of potassium, iron, vitamin B6, and fiber. Raw honey is also rich in vitamins and minerals.
2. The combination of Raw honey and organic turmeric also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The mixture can be applied topically to combat unwanted fungus found on the body, such as toe and foot fungus. It has also been shown to help fight Candida. Even you can consume raw honey and organic turmeric mix to help fight different types of bacteria and is a known natural and powerful antibiotic.
3. This mixture is also great for the overall health and for skin. The combination of these two wonderful ingredients provides many anti-aging, antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds which all work together to improve the skin’s quality. Both products are found in many cosmetic products sold today. Again, when combined together, this mixture can be applied topically as a potent face mask to improve the skin. It can work to treat acne, brighten the skin and make it look more radiant and reduce the signs of wrinkles. It may even be able to treat burns.
4. Raw honey mixed with organic turmeric can also work to naturally treat coughs and other respiratory issues as some studies have shown. As well, Turmeric’s amazing antiviral and antibacterial properties can help to treat common cold and flu symptoms. As a natural decongestant, honey and turmeric can also help to alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion and improve conditions effecting the upper respiratory tract. Consume this mix daily for better immunity.
5. The combination also has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and is a rich source of antioxidants. Honey contains floral flavonoids, which have been shown to boost the body’s antioxidant levels. Organic Turmeric also contains curcumin, which provides excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This can help reduce inflammation throughout the entire body and may also work for blood pressure and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. As well, honey and turmeric can help to get rid of free radicals in the body which may cause oxidative stress and boost our immunity.
6. Lastly, raw honey mixed with organic turmeric may also be able to help improve cognitive function. As a potent anti-inflammatory, this mixture can help support overall brain health. Inflammation is thought to be one of the causes of certain types of neurodegenerative disorders, among other causes. The potent anti-inflammatory properties in both honey and turmeric can help to counter certain inflammatory responses causes by stress and our environment. As well, the curcumin found in turmeric has been shown to stimulate the production of DHA and ALA (essential for brain health). These are omega-3 fatty acids which can help support nervous system and function of the brain.
The following recipe unites all these health benefits of these natural ingredients and represents the best natural antibiotic:
* 2 tablespoon Organic turmeric powder
* 6 tablespoon raw honey
*1/4 tablespoon black pepper
(Curcumin has poor oral bioavailability so the body will not absorb any of its goodness. Unless you take curcumin specifically to soothe your colon or improve digestion, you’ll want to make it more bioavailable, for instance by pairing it with piperine, a component of black pepper.)
- Mix the ingredients and store in an airtight container.
- Consume 1 teaspoon of raw honey and organic turmeric mix daily.
- You don’t need to consume large amounts of raw honey and organic turmeric for this mixture to be effective, especially if you are consuming it daily.
- You should melt the mixture on the mouth, and not swallow it right away. You can also drink it in your cup of tea or milk.
- Consult with your medical practitioner before consuming to make sure this mixture is right for you.
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