Raw Honey | Pure Honey WWW.WAYANADEN.COM

Raw honey can keep you healthy (Immune Booster)

COLD, COUGH AND ALLERGIES - Raw Honey (Wayanaden Stingless Bee Honey) is an effective treatment for cold, cough and allergies.
MINOR CUTS OR BURNS - Applying a thin layer of raw honey (Wayanaden Wild Forest honey)can help in quicker healing due to its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties.
ACNE - Wash your face with raw honey (Wayanaden Wild Forest honey) or you can even use honey as a natural face pack.
AIDS SLEEP - Consuming a spoonful of raw honey (Wayanaden Wild Forest honey) before sleep supplies your liver with glycogen storage. It supports your liver in detoxification, circulation, hormone regulation etc for a sound sleep.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - Raw Honey (Wayanaden Stingless Bee Honey) , a natural and healthier sweetener can be used as a substitute for sugar. It helps in boosting metabolism and energy. Drink warm water with lemon, cinnamon and honey.
BOOST IMMUNITY - When you feel low, consume a teaspoon of raw honey (Wayanaden Stingless Bee Honey) in a cup of warm water with a sliced lemon or scoop it right from the jar!
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