Curcumin Turmeric and Raw Honey: Strengthen your Immune system Naturally  WWW.WAYANADEN.COM

Turmeric and Honey : Strengthen your Immune system Naturally

Since ages Indian spices have been used as a medicine to cure several ailments. Indian spices have for long been used as natural medicines. Right from burns to minor cuts, turmeric was used as an instant remedy to treat such issues. This was simply because of the miraculous properties of turmeric.

From common cold to soar throat both honey and turmeric are very potent and important alternatives to conventional medicines because of their benefits and antibiotic properties! Raw Wild Honey and Organic Curcumin unextracted turmeric both are used for a variety of problems like cold, digestive issues, cuts, wounds, muscles and sprains along with many other health and skin issues. They have been used intensely in Ayurveda for years.

Organic Curcumin unextracted Turmeric has a very important compound in it, called the curcumin. Curcumin has several healing properties which makes turmeric so strong that it can fight almost all health issues in one go! It is also a very strong anti-oxidant which is why it is very good for the skin and it contains antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which help it to treat wounds and allergies very easily!

Many scientists have claimed that Raw wild honey is more powerful than most of the conventional antibiotics. Raw Honey can also be used to treat infections, cuts and wounds by applying on them directly. Raw Honey can also be taken orally to treat health problems.

Here is a simple recipe that you can use to boost your immune system.


* 1 tablespoon Wayanaden's Organic turmeric powder
* 1/4 tablespoon powdered Wayanaden's TGSEB Black pepper
* 6 tablespoon Wayanaden's raw honey
* Stir until smooth and store in refrigerator and have a tea
At the onset of a cold, take 1-2 teaspoons every few hours. Follow it up with warm water, if the flavor is too intense.
By the way, you don’t have to wait till you catch a cold, to boost your immune.
Everybody can consume GOLDEN HONEY (Organic Turmeric and Raw Honey mix) once a day, to keep maladies at bay.
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