Raw Honey | Pure Honey WWW.WAYANADEN.COM

Wild Forest Honey - Elixir of the Forest Gods

Raw Honey has several medicinal uses. It is naturally abundant in energy, helps in strengthening your immune response and leaves you fresh all through the day. Not just the day even it helps you sleep better too!
Raw Wild Forest Honey is also a great remedy to treat sore throats and coughs. You may consume honey raw, or with lemon in warm water. It can even be used as a natural cough syrup.
Wild forest honey is significantly different from farmed honey. Wayanaden Wild Forest Honey is a pure form of honey that preserves all its natural goodness, collected directly from the hives of Apis Dorsata, the giant honey bees of Western Ghats. These bees built their hives mainly in exposed places far off the ground, like trees, under cliff overhangs, from where it is harvested by the tribal communities. These skilled honey hunters use various traditional techniques to collect the honey.
Gathering wild honey from hives that are 80 feet and above up in the air from these dense forest is a highly skilled task. The tribes members use techniques handed down over generations to collect the honey with out disturbing the natural rhythms of the wild bees. This honey, in its purest form, is often called the elixir of the forest gods.
Wild Forest Honey also helps in improving the beauty of both skin and hair. It’s moisturizing effects work great for various skin ailments like rashes, breakouts and dandruff. Its anti bacterial effects help in healing and keeps skin soft, clear and glowing. Honey, traditionally is a remedy for wounds and burns. It is antimicrobial, and much better than the antibiotic ointments to treat minor burns and cuts.
As a result of our traditional gathering process, our wild forest honey has a high level of nutrition, beyond what farmed honey provides. Thus wild honey is sold relatively for high cost. You may find fine crystals, bee pollen, honeycomb bits and even broken bee wing particles, but they are safe to eat.
Wayanaden’s Wild Forest Honey is cloudier, has a high antioxidant level and may even crystallize to a thick consistency. You just need to place the bottle in sunlight or warm water to liquefy it. No artificial flavors or synthetic sugar is ever added.
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